How do I choose a suitable heat source for veneer dryer?

2023/03/24 11:55

There are two traditional heat sources for the veneer dryer, namely, steam boiler and thermal oil heater. The advantages using these two heat sources are one machine can provide heat for more than one veneer dryer. Typically, in a large plywood plant, one big capacity steam boiler or thermal oil heater can supply sufficient heat to several veneer dryers, hot press machines, etc. Only one heat source or heat energy center is enough. The disadvantage is the operation cost will be very high like the fuel cost. And the temperature of the steam is not very high compared to the thermal oil or biomass burner. The heat transfer is first heat the water or thermal oil, then heat the air. There is heat loss during the twice heat transfer.

There is another heat source called biomass burner which can directly burn waste wood, tree bark, waste veneer to heat air directly and there is no heat loss. The fuel cost is the lowest compared to the traditional steam boiler or thermal oil heater. The temperature is high enough to meet the requirement of the veneer dryer machines. 

biomass burner for veneer dryer.jpg